Monday, May 12, 2014

Pub Quiz/Concert May 9, 2014 - Troche Kultury

Round 1 updated below. Please visit right now and like the page for further updates!

Hey, as promised, we've been sifting through the wreckage to come up with a few scraps of paper to refresh our memories as to the questions and answers from last Friday's Pub Quiz. We're proud to announce we've made our first discovery: the questions and answers to round 4, the American Culture round. Thanks again to everyone for coming out, check back in a couple of days for the other rounds as they're bound to turn up. Stay tuned for the next quiz coming in early June!

Round 1 - British Culture

1. What breed of dog is Queen Elizabeth’s favourite? Is it...
a. Alsations b. French poodles c. Welsh corgies d. West Highland terriers

2. Another easy one! What nationality is Prince Philip (the queen’s husband)?
a. Austrian b. German c. Greek d. Hungarian

3. Anne Boleyn, one of King Henry the VIII’ths wives, is reputed to have had 3 breasts, and an extra finger on her left hand! She was otherwise known as the “...of Flanders”
a. ass b. fox c. mare d. wolf

4. Which game was invented by the British/British servicemen whilst in India?
a. Chess b. Darts c. Polo d. Snooker

5. What was John Lennon’s middle name?
a. Craig b. King c. Samuel d. Winston

6.The Scottish actor Sean Connery once worked as...
a. a house painter b. a coffin polisher c. a waiter at the Savoy d. a wrestler

7.In terms of population, which is the 2nd biggest city in England?
a. Birmingham b. Leicester c. Manchester d. Newcastle

8.The world’s first ever commercially produced chocolate bar was made here.
a. Birmingham b. Bristol c. Cardiff d. Derby

Round 4 - American Culture

1. Can you tell me what American comedy sketch show which first aired in 1975 the actor who played Ron Burgundy in the Anchorman movies, Will Ferrell, got his start like so many funny guys such as Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray, John Belushi, Chris Rock, Mike Myers and Dan Ackroyd. Name the American sketch comedy show which has launched the career of dozens of comedians.
Saturday Night Live

2. Staying with the tash theme, while there are dozens of terms used for mustaches from cookie duster to dirt squirrel, lip toupe, soup strainer and snot mop, there have been only four American presidents who sported a Mr. Tickler. I'll give you one point for each American president you can name who regularly wore a mustache.
Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, and William H. Taft

3. I mustache you a few more questions. Getting away from mustaches but staying with presidents what is the only surname shared by an American President and a British Prime Minister.

4. Staying with the British/American theme, 50 years ago this past February, a little band from Liverpool hopped the pond to America so they could become famous, thus kicking off the British Invasion. Not including their famous rooftop concert, these Beatles played their last live concert just two short years later in Candlestick Park. Question four is, in what US city is Candlestick Park where the Beatles played their last live show and you can go buy a Ben & Jerry's ice cream in the original shop just off Haight and Ashbury.
San Francisco

5. While the Oxford English Dictionary went for the culturally relevant word 'selfie' as their choice for 2013 Word of the Year, the American Dialect Society went in another direction, instead choosing an existing word that has suddenly found new use in the age of internet induced cognitive decline. Formerly a simple subordinating conjunction, this word seems more and more like a preposition as it is being used to introduce nouns, adjectives or other parts of speech. Tell me, what was the American Dialect Society's 2013 word of the year? This past year, the very old word was chosen as it exploded with new grammatical possibilities in informal online use.

6. Ok, let's make things a bit easier. How about a multiple choice question. Which of the following 1980s and 90s U.S. pop culture icons is NOT of Polish descent?
a. Pat Benatar, b. Cyndi Lauper, d. Meg Ryan, d. Martha Stewart

7. The US Declaration of Indepence includes a bit about the Creator endowing the people with three unalienable rights among others. What are the 3 rights guaranteed by the US Declaration of Independence?
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

8. Last year, Reddit asked this question 'Non-Americans of Reddit, what aspect of American culture strikes you as strangest. Another multiple choice, which reply was the top rated:
A) That the price on things in your stores are not the actual price but the price without tax and such
B) I myself am an American. However, I had a European friend come to my American Highschool; when we all got up to recite the pledge, she had the most frightened look on her face, she later told me it felt as if she was watching a cult.
C)How big the country is and the amount of time you guys are willing to drive. I had a friend who drove for 16 hours to visit family for the weekend. It's baffling.
D)Not been able to drink alcohol until you are 21 but you can join the army and vote at 18.